jim akenson
It is a good feeling to be the PBS Councilmen-At-Large (C.A.L.). I say this not just because I’m beyond the demands of direct Council service – and presidency, but because this Council has great vision and energy, and are just plain fun to stay connected with! One of my main interests, and shared accomplishments while on Council, has been the development of the Regional Program. I really think that this initiative to pull members together to hunt, shoot bows, camp, and cook will further unite, and grow, our membership. My “day job” is as the Conservation Director for the Oregon Hunters Association. I battle to protect hunting seasons and opportunities, and to promote wise management of all “huntable” game species in Oregon. PBS actions have similar potential through the Regional Program by maintaining a state by state “political awareness” on issues that affect bowhunting (see the PBS Magazine for more program activities). There’s still plenty of growth potential in this area and I will work on this as the PBS C.A.L. On a personal note, I still pursue mule deer and elk in remote places using our mule packstring, and indulge in New Zealand bowhunts whenever possible. I don’t seem to shoot as much game as in the old days, but being a mentor to a nephew and some younger friends keeps my bowhunting plans – active and alive!