"THE SOUNDS OF SILENCE" BY DOUG BORLANDCLICK HERE to read why in order for hunting to survive, we have to be pro-active, presenting an image of hunting, (at least how we practice it), that is open, honest, and defensible |
you are our eyes and ears! |
Recently, you should have received a couple of email blasts regarding issues bowhunting is facing across the nation. One of the things council recently discussed in Lexington at the business meeting is the need to keep PBS members informed on these issues, as well as provide an easy way for our membership to get involved politically, in a way that might have a positive impact on bowhunting. Michael Arnette has agreed to take on this task as the PBS's Bowhunting Preservation Representative. Michael is very passionate about staying informed and up to date on issues effecting bow hunting opportunities across the nation, and even the globe. As these issues arise, Michael will be put together a short, concise synopsis along with contact information of those decision makers involved. This information will be sent to the entire PBS membership through email blasts. This will provide a simple way for our members to become more involved through phone calls, letters or emails, sent to officials directly involved in the decision making process.
If your state is dealing with any threats or opportunities to bowhunting in your area, and you would like the assistance of the PBS membership, please contact Michael at 918-724-6256 or "[email protected]"
airbow legislation in oklahoma
There are currently two bills allowing airguns during all days of oklahoma archery season, house bill HB2355 has passed the house and is headed to the senate where it will most likely pass. This bill is our focus but there is another similar bill that is in the house after passing the senate SB352. Both bills allow for full inclusion of airguns during the full length of archery season. The house bill has a status of emergency, this means that the wildlife commission will have little if any input. Today's activity will focus on the house bill (now in the senate), if ether passes in the next vote they will land on Governor Stitts desk. Both are very important, HB 2355 is slightly more urgent and has other language which might be beneficial (and many could support) to other parties included assisting in possible passage.
We urgently need participants to take part In the following 2 actions: Please first read the house bill here: (link in Bio) https://fastdemocracy.com/bill-search/ok/2023-2024/bills/OKB00027901/
step 1:
Contact senator David Bullard Who sits on the chair of wildlife and tourism committee (405)521-5586 leave a message if needed
◦ Email here: [email protected]
Please say you oppose HB2355 on multiple accounts or detail if preferred (As mentioned this bill has other additions and emergency status)
Next step 2:
Please contact representative Ty Burns
Tell him you oppose SB 352 allowing disabled and able-bodied use of air guns during full archery season dates. Leave a message if needed.
Email: [email protected]
We urgently need participants to take part In the following 2 actions: Please first read the house bill here: (link in Bio) https://fastdemocracy.com/bill-search/ok/2023-2024/bills/OKB00027901/
step 1:
Contact senator David Bullard Who sits on the chair of wildlife and tourism committee (405)521-5586 leave a message if needed
◦ Email here: [email protected]
Please say you oppose HB2355 on multiple accounts or detail if preferred (As mentioned this bill has other additions and emergency status)
Next step 2:
Please contact representative Ty Burns
Tell him you oppose SB 352 allowing disabled and able-bodied use of air guns during full archery season dates. Leave a message if needed.
Email: [email protected]
Indiana bowhunters need our help!
Indiana bowhunters need our help. Their Department of Natural Resources has received a request to add verbiage to legalize air guns as a legal hunting weapon. Please log on and oppose the addition of “Air Gun” as defined by 312 IAC9-1-1.2. There is reason for concern - this is slippery slope because if air guns are legalized, it is a very short step to adding the language necessary to approve the use of the same apparatus to shoot a bolt rather than a ball or bullet. This will be done to try to get the Air Bow legalized during archery season. Usually, DNRs argue that they need to legalize equipment to increase opportunities and license sales for revenue growth. In this case, this is not valid because the equipment involved is exempt from the Robertson Pittman Act. If you comment, please point out that there is no real benefit to the budget of the Indiana Fish and Game Commission and in fact, this might cause harm if folks hunt with air guns instead of purchasing guns and ammunition subject to Robertson Pittman.
an excerpt from news channel 9's report:"There are other changes which are likely to be discussed at this week's meeting including. . .The legalization of "airbows" during Tennessee's archery-only deer season. An airbow is a pneumatic weapon which like a crossbow but instead is powered by compressed air. |
CLick here for the full articlehow can i get involved?